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2023-12-22 2:05 pm

Towards a nature positive economy in 2030

Australia’s biodiversity is rich and unique - we have a lot to protect. Our nature and biodiversity strategy sets out how we'll take action to ensure a healthy planet for future generations.

We know protecting nature and preserving biodiversity of plants and animals are important issues to our customers. In 2023, 87% of our customers told us they want to see us take action on biodiversity loss, which has been accelerating.

Climate change, habitat loss, pollution and resource extraction take a toll on nature, and the 2021 State of the Environment report confirms that Australia’s biodiversity is in crisis. Nature and biodiversity underpin life, and the economic system we operate in. So, together with our customers and partners, we’re working towards a 2030 where nature is protected and recovering.

Our nature and biodiversity strategy sets out how we’ll engage with nature, take action as leaders in the banking sector, and develop nature positive products and services. Our nature and biodiversity strategy recognises the links between nature and biodiversity and Bank Australia’s other impact priorities: climate action, First Nations recognition and respect, and affordable and accessible housing.

Read our nature and biodiversity strategy
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A healthy planet for future prosperity

Around half the world’s GDP depends on nature. This includes the clean air, water and food sources we all need to live, and the natural resources that underpin our economy. We also know engaging with nature helps us lead happier, healthier lives, and creates space for deep connections with community and culture.

Banks have an important role to play in protecting nature. To do this, we’ll use responsible lending and investments, and embed the protection of nature throughout our business.

We don’t have all the answers yet on how the banking system can work for, and not against, the protection of nature. But we’re committed to learning and reporting back while doing what we can to stop the biodiversity crisis and regenerate our planet.

Towards a nature positive world

Research shows that healthy ecosystems are one of our strongest natural defences against climate change. Yet in turn, rising sea levels, increasing temperatures and changes in our atmosphere are contributing to the biodiversity crisis.

We‘re working towards a nature positive economy: one in that places value on nature for its own sake, not just as a resource for producing other things. One that works for, and not against, nature.

Our vision is a 2030 where nature is protected and recovering, and supporting the transition to a nature positive economy will help us get there. Specifically, ‘nature positive’ describes stopping biodiversity loss and restoring nature to pre-2020 levels by 2030, with an aim for full and ongoing ecosystem recovery by 2050.

Working together to protect nature in practice

We’re the only Australian bank to care for a conservation reserve, and through this work since 2008 we’ve seen that nature repair takes time. That’s why we need to protect what we have now and work to regenerate ecosystems for the future.

In 2023, our Big Spring Monitoring survey gave us insight into the impacts we are seeing at the conservation reserve, including an increase in native plants and animal species. We’ll continue working alongside our partners Greening Australia, Trust for Nature and in consultation with the Barengi Gadjin Land Council (BGLC) to protect and manage the conservation reserve.

The conservation reserve is located on Wotjobaluk Country (Western Victoria) and the BGLC represent the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the reserve, the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk peoples of the Wotjobaluk Nations. We’re working closely with the BGLC to learn from First Nations approaches to healing Country, such as cultural burns on the reserve.

First Nations people have cared for Country for over 65,000 years and we believe First Nations knowledge of nature and biodiversity is critical to the future of our planet.

“Protecting and restoring nature and biodiversity is one of Bank Australia’s priorities, and it’s an issue our customers care deeply about. Nature and biodiversity are in crisis and it’s our shared responsibility to take action now and leave behind a healthy planet and sustainable economy for future generations.”

Bram Mason, Nature and Biodiversity Manager, Bank Australia