Person standing in a lush green forest looking towards a waterfall

Meet our customers

Together we're funding the solutions, not the problems

Bank Australia customers Stephen, Kita and Isabelle volunteered to be the voices of our newest ad, urging other climate-aware people to join them in our shared movement for a brighter future.

Not many banks could say their real customers would jump at the chance to be shown in an ad. But because we’re customer owned, our customers are Bank Australia. 

Stephen, Kita and Isabelle care about creating a world where people and the planet thrive, and they’re making it happen with the simple but powerful decision of aligning their banking with their values. Here’s why they stepped up to be in our ad.


Stephen co-founded not-for-profit environmental building consultancy Architecture for Change and he won the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2020 Leadership in Sustainability Prize.

“I've been a long-term Bank Australia advocate, passionate about the importance of collective action against climate change – both in my professional and private life.”


In her work as a threatened species and climate adaptation ecologist, Kita sees the impacts of climate change up close. She’s proud to be a member of the Bank Australia community and is keen to help others make the switch.

“Living with integrity is hugely important to me, so a little while back I did a deep dive on my banking and who would fit the bill for aligning with my environmental and ethical beliefs.”


Isabelle has two young kids and she’s worried about their future. In her 3-year-old daughter’s short lifetime, we’ve experienced the 2020 bushfires, the pandemic and flood after flood. She’s committed to grappling with how to be an eco-conscious parent and create change for everyone.

“Making wise decisions about where I put my money and how I spend it is the single biggest action where I feel I’m tangibly making a difference. Companies like Bank Australia give me hope and I want as many people as possible to join us.”

Together, we’re funding the solutions.
Not the problems.

What we fund

What we don't fund

Fossil fuels
Live animal export
Arms industry
Read more about what Bank Australia lends to
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Learn more about the problems, and the solutions

Ready to join Stephen, Kita and Isabelle?