Where to get the app
Download the Bank Australia app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
How to register your account
Before registering for the app, you’ll need to register for internet banking and secure SMS.
1. Open the app and select ‘Please register’
2. Enter your customer number and your internet banking password
3. Choose what you’d like to name your phone (don’t include special characters)
4. Create your 4-digit PIN
5. Depending on your phone, you can choose to enable TouchID or FaceID to open the app
6. We then send you an SMS code to make sure it’s really you logging in
7. Enter the code, and tap ‘Register’
8. Read and accept the T&Cs and you’re done
Watch how to do it
Why do we need your mobile number?
We send a code to your mobile number so we can verify that it’s you. Just when you first register for the App. Though codes are also used for other tasks too.
App vs internet banking
With our app you can do the banking you’d expect, like transfer money, pay bills and see your transaction history. There's a lot more you can do if you’d like to learn about app features.
To access more complex services, log in to internet banking – which is also mobile friendly.
How to check account balance
You can check your account balances with a single tap. It’s called ‘quick balance view’. You can set it up in the app.
Or you can log in and see your balance by selecting ‘Balance’ in the footer menu.
How to transfer money to someone else
The beauty of the app is being able to transfer money wherever you are. You can add new payees and pay them using their account number or PayID.
How to transfer money between your accounts
You can quickly and easily transfer money between your own accounts in the app, wherever you are.
How to make a BPAY® payment
You can add new BPAY® payees and pay them using their biller code and reference number.
Quick transfer feature
What’s a quick transfer?
Faster than a regular app transfer, it’s a setting that allows you to safely transfer money between Bank Australia accounts without logging in. It’s simple to set up in your app settings.
How much can I transfer?
You can choose $50, $100 or $200.
Can I move money to an external account?
The feature is for transfers between Bank Australia accounts only.
I’ve set it up, now where do I find it?
It’s on the button on the right corner of your Bank Australia app home screen.
How do I set up quick transfers?
1. Log into the Bank Australia app
2. Go to Settings
3. Select home screen shortcuts
3. Select Quick transfer then drag and drop 'Quick Transfer' icon to menu below, ready for set up.
4. Select 'Quick Transfer' icon from the app home screen
5. Hit 'Set up Quick Transfer'
6. Choose the account you want to transfer funds to and you're ready to go

Can I do a quick transfer in internet banking?
The quick transfer feature is for the Bank Australia app only.
Is there a limit to how many quick transfers I can do?
You can make up to 3 quick transfers a day.
Account nicknames
What is an account nickname?
With account nicknames you can rename your Bank Australia accounts to something more useful for you. It can help you personalise your banking or make dedicated buckets for things like Holidays, Date Night, Rainy Days, The Kids, Expenses and more.
How do I change my account nickname?
Log into the app
Select account
Hit this “ … “

Can I change my mind about my nicknames?
Yes, just go straight back to the app to change it.
Log into the app > Select account > Hit this “ … “
Does my nickname appear on my statement?
Yes it does. Your name will be updated everywhere, including the app, your statements and internet banking.
Send a secure mail message
To send, view and reply to messages securely via the app:
1. Log into the app
2. Select ‘Contact us’ from the main menu
3. Then 'Secure mail'
You can do the same via internet banking.
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518