A woman looks after her baby, who sits in a pram

Change your bank. Change the world.

June 7, 2024
February 23, 2023

Did you know that your choice of bank can have an impact on climate change? This is because the money you put in your account is used by banks to make loans and investments. The industries that your bank chooses to loan to could be fuelling the climate crisis.

We believe in a world where future generations are able to focus on their wellbeing, health and their contribution to the community. Where the air is clean, the landscape is green and everyone is working together to make the most of resources like food and energy.

In this world, extreme weather events don’t destroy homes and communities, like so many are currently experiencing under the escalating impacts of climate change

We still have time to turn this climate story around, but not for long. We need to reduce the level of carbon in the atmosphere, as quickly as possible. 

Between 2016-2022 some of the most well-known banks in Australia have loaned $57.5 billion to the fossil fuel industry. This brings us further and further away from our global community’s urgently needed emissions reduction target.

“I suspect that the key to disrupting the flow of carbon into the atmosphere may lie in disrupting the flow of money to coal and oil and gas.  Financial institutions can break the power of the fossil-fuel companies.”

Bill McKibben, 
Author, environmentalist, activist, and leader of 350.org

Bank Australia invests responsibly

By choosing to align your banking with your values, you take the power back into your hands. You stand up for the type of world you want future generations to live in by using ethically responsible financial institutions today. 

We’re customer-owned, which means you get to choose what we invest in

As a customer-owned bank, we answer to you. Our customers have a voice and a vote on how the bank is run and the issues we take action on.

Our responsible banking policy is at the heart of everything we do at Bank Australia. It’s clear that climate change is the top concern for our customers, which means our investments reflect this.

Together, we’re funding the solutions. Not the problems.

Graphic design that reads "Some things we do invest in: Clean energy transition, Not-for-profits, Inclusive and Community housing, Green and sustainable investments, Our customers. What we don't invest in: Fossil fuels, Live animal export, Arms industry, Gambling, Tobacco

We’re impact focused

We’ve invested more than $1 billion in projects and organisations that create positive impact for people and the planet. You can join the movement now.

Net zero by 2035

It’s time to raise the bar on climate action. We know that net zero emissions by 2050 is too late and that our customers care deeply about taking decisive action.

Our commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2035 is the most ambitious of any Australian bank, and amongst our global peers.

We want to help Australia build the future we all deserve. The time for change is now.

Check if your financial institutions currently invest in fossil fuels

Check if your bank invests in fossil fuels.

Check if your superannuation invests in fossil fuels.

You can create big change, with just one powerful action. By putting your money where it matters.

Join over 190,000 Australians whose money is making a positive difference to the lives of people and the planet. It only takes five minutes to join us.

Join now

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