ASTERIA Services

Based in Maryborough, ASTERIA Services is a not-for-profit community based organisation providing tailored disability support services in central Victoria for 50 years. Through innovative programs and services customised to individual needs, ASTERIA removes barriers and maximises opportunities for people with disability.
Cafe Stepping Stone

Marginalised migrant and refugee women in Australia face significant employment barriers, including a lack of formal work experience, education and English language proficiency. Stepping Stone Social Enterprise's cafes offer personalised paid employment, English proficiency, and training in hospitality to equip these women with marketable skills, confidence, and financial independence, to facilitate their integration into Australian society and improve their overall wellbeing.
Cheltenham Community Centre

Cheltenham Community Centre offers diverse programs and services to foster community engagement and support. From educational classes to inclusive physical activities, Cheltenham Community Centre creates a welcoming environment for all. It focuses on meeting the needs of the local community, including people with disabilities, through tailored, accessible initiatives and events.
The Creative Co-operative

The Creative Co-Operative targets systemic employment barriers by supporting Bla(c)k and Women of Colour through culturally and psychologically safe capacity and skills-building programs. The Creative Co-Operative are building a community that shares opportunities with one another and believes in creating a kinder, more sustainable economy and society for all.
Fitted for Work

Fitted for Work’s vision is economic independence and positive change for women (cis, trans, gender diverse and non-binary), identifying the best path to achieve this is through access to employment. Their mission is to assist women who are experiencing disadvantage to get work, keep work and navigate through working life with success.
The Forktree Project

The Forktree Project is dedicated to widescale habitat restoration on South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula through the work of its Nursery and Rare Seed Orchard, the revegetation of the former pastoral property on which it operates as an exemplar of what is achievable, and the engagement of young people as stewards of the environment via its experiential education program.
Full Circle

Full Circle's concept provides a curated leadership program that is developed around the needs of students and the ecosystem in which they exist. They co-create a curriculum that provides opportunities for students to strengthen their capacity to become future leaders in all that they choose to embark upon in their future.
inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence

inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence (inTouch) has provided person-centered, integrated and culturally responsive family violence services to migrant and refugee communities since 1984. inTouch works across the family violence continuum, providing culturally informed early intervention using inLanguage and inCulture delivery model that's supported by their diverse workforce.
Katanning Landcare

Katanning Landcare is a well-respected not-for-profit community group (established 1990) dedicated to supporting environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture within the Katanning area. Their vision is to support a vibrant, caring community enhancing the environment for future generations, and their collaborative approach sees Katanning working with hundreds of local landholders, government, industry and the not-for-profit sector to achieve on-ground action.
Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation

Nalderun is a Dja Dja Wurrung word meaning ‘All Together’ - Nalderun believe by moving forward together we can make the change needed for First Nations Youth to thrive. Their programs support First Nations Youth throughout their entire school life, from primary to secondary, and then on into tertiary, training and/or employment.
SEE Change

SEE Change is a community-based environmental charity that aims to encourage individuals, families and communities to improve their sustainability in the face of climate change. See's volunteer groups run many different projects to enhance community sustainability.

Woor-Dungin is a leading not-for-profit organisation working towards self-determination for Aboriginal communities by building respectful relationships with philanthropic organisations. Woor-Dungin enhance the impact of philanthropy by directing funding to the people who are best placed to deliver culturally appropriate and effective programs and services. Woor-Dungin nurture trust and shared learning, empowering Woor-Dungin partners to achieve progressive change together.